The Old Way
Missionary Wall Displays of the Past
The primary purpose of a prayer letter wall is to provide a tangible and visible way for members to engage with the work of the missionaries and to lift them up in prayer. By reading the letters and praying for the needs of the missionaries and the people they serve, members can develop a deeper connection to the missions program and a greater appreciation for the impact of their support.
Prayer letter walls can take many forms, from physical bulletin boards where letters are posted with push pins, to digital displays or screens that showcase the letters in a more modern and interactive way. In some cases, prayer letter walls may be organized by region or by individual missionary, or they may be updated with new letters on a regular basis to keep members engaged and informed. Overall, a prayer letter wall is a powerful tool for fostering a sense of community and support around missions work, and for encouraging members to engage in prayer and action on behalf of the missionaries and organizations they support.
Your New Missionary Wall Display!
The Digital Missions Display is the best tool for creating a dynamic and engaging display of your church’s supported missionaries.

The New Way

By combining creative ideas for a missionary wall or prayer letter wall with the features of the Digital Missions Display, you can create a powerful tool for engaging your congregation and fostering a deeper appreciation for the important work of your missionaries.
The primary way to use the Digital Missions Display is by organizing your missionaries by region or type of work, and using the Digital Missions Display interactive map for a virtual prayer card of letters, video, photos and supported missionary information. This will allow your congregation to see where your missionaries are serving and learn more about the specific needs and opportunities for support in each region.
You can use the screensaver feature of the missionsApp to highlight individual missionaries and their stories, showcasing their accomplishments and personal needs. This could include updates on ongoing mission projects and initiatives, as well as specific prayer requests for your missionaries and their families.
One of the great advantages of the Digital Missions Display is its user-friendly interface, which allows you to easily update and manage your content in real-time. This means that you can keep your missionary wall or prayer letter wall fresh and relevant to your congregation, updating it with the latest news and needs from your missionaries. We provide remote access software training so that you can update the Digital Missions Display form virtually anywhere.
If you are looking for documentation on the use of DIgital Missions Dsiplayor the missionsApp, please visit https://docs.missiondisplay.org.
Overall, by combining creative ideas for a missionary wall or prayer letter wall with the features of the Digital Missions Display, you can create a powerful tool for engaging your congregation in the work of missions and fostering a deeper understanding of the needs and opportunities for supported missionaries and ministries.