Trying To Find A Engaging Missions Board For Your Church In Knoxville?
At Digital Mission Display, we’ve got the resources and technology to collect, curate, and maintain every aspect of your church mission display and prayer letters, for example, a prayer letter or missionary video can be placed in no time from our office quickly to your digital display board for everybody to check out.
Allow us to handle your church missions within Knoxville right now by calling brother Paul at Digital Mission Display. With your brand new digital display board, your church members can connect with missionaries from around the world and within the Knoxville area without difficulty.
For more information regarding our interactive display board in Knoxville, just simply call (734) 330-0570 today for pricing.
Enhance your Knoxville Church Mission Wall Listings quickly! Utilizing Mission Display software, your Church can connect to missionaries and members interact with a single touch.
You can post videos, images, prayer cards, and much more. Let your digital display board become a great spot where individuals can learn more about your Knoxville church missionaries.
Missions Board Options
- Color-Coded Missionary Categories
- Submit Email to Any Missionary with an email address
- Access Each Missionary Website
- Add Videos From YouTube, Vimeo, or Hard Drive
- Insert Missions Letters
- Upload Up To 6 Images
- Embed Prayer Card
- Display Wedding Anniversary & Birthdates for missionary families
- Update and Brand Backgrounds as well as Church Banner
For a love offering each month, you can retain us to maintain your Knoxville Missions Board and we will post to your Mission Display with new written content remotely. We produce a special form to send to your supported Knoxville church missionaries. We create a special form for active-restricted missionaries on our secure server. We convert missionary emails, letters, .docx or, .doc files to PDF format and upload to your church mission display board.
Your Knoxville Missionary will receive a monthly reminder from us that any new images, video, or text content they have should be submitted. Your Knoxville Missionaries will receive a quarterly email from Digital Missions Display after installation visits. We will add video, images, and other content pertaining to how “The Voice For Missionaries” is working for them to get their message heard in Knoxville.
Your church receives an update from Digital Missions Display informing you of where we’ve been throughout the year.
Installation & Training
We come to your church and install this incredible display to assist your members and visitors to understand, connect, and notice what other Baptist Churches are doing within the Knoxville area.
We can come and install the system at your Knoxville church, educate your staff in the use the software, and answer any questions about church streaming, technology, or file formats that you might have.
The Digital Missions Display Board is a superb investment so call to have an install setup up in Knoxville this year!